How I Manage My Time

by Velma Hill
(Franklinton, N.C.)

I try to get as much work related to teaching and the classroom done at school. I either go in early or stay at work after my working hours. My biggest challenges are having enough time to actually get all that is required of me completed.

Some common distractions for me are phone calls from parents, calls or visits from therapists, and other people at the center.

The things that I find that help me manage my time are being really organized, using sticky notes as reminders and a to do list, which I check items off as I complete those task.

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Thanks for sharing this, Velma.

It's interesting that you mention that you find it a challenge to find the time to get everything done that is required of you.

I'm guessing you're referring to the hours you work (or are prepared to), in which case the key is to prioritize it.

Best wishes with yours!

- Tim

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