by Char
I play Sudoku prior to any exam and to get myself geared up to study.
I figure this play time into my study time. Knowing that I'm doing some mental yoga prior to the main event, I can feel my intensity rise until I just flip over into study mode.
I actually fear the sciences -- and all my classes are sciences so playing sudoku helps me immensely.
This game plan actually works. When everybody else was cramming for an organic chemistry exam, I played Sudoku instead then proceeded to ACE the exam, as in that I could definitively tell you why the other answers weren't viable options.
by Sarah Poltorak
(Nashville, TN, USA)
I hired a nanny to keep the kids busy, and that helped but to really keep my time management under control I have a monthly, weekly, and daily schedule laid out on dry erase boards in my home, so I stay on track.
by Larry Buess
(Nashville, TN, USA)
How I usually go about the process of studying:
I set aside a period of time to concentrate on the material that I will be studying. I get all of the physical material that I will need within easy reach and begin.
When I will need to take notes or make comments, I sit at my desk. If my studying involves reading only, I sit in my favorite place.
I usually study in the same place. When I have to go somewhere and know I will have some down time (doctor's office) I take reading material with me.
I do my best work early in the day so I try to begin my studying as soon as I get all of the daily chores finished. Otherwise, I find my mind calling me to do the little things I have left undone.
I will try to incorporate some of the good habits I read about in the article about good study habits into my routine. Interruptions often take me away from my main purpose.